Collusion of UN Human Rights Commission with slaughter and kidnapping of hundreds of Christians in Egypt
Collusion of
UN Human Rights Commission with slaughter and kidnapping of
hundreds of Christians in Egypt
I sent this message on 18/6/2018 to
The Prince / Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein ,
High Commissioner for Human Rights
of United Nations (OHCHR)
The picture of Killing the Christian soldier / Mikhail Farahat Saad on 22/4/2018 by shooting him from behind
in the Egyptian army camp , not in a battle with the terrorists , and the bullet went out of the mouth and destroyed his face .
The Prince / Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein .
High Commissioner for Human Rights
of United Nations (OHCHR)
Dear Sir
first function and duty of human rights organizations, in particular
the High Commission for Human Rights in United Nations (OHCHR) , is to
follow , monitor, search for, investigate and condemn for
human rights violations and crimes against
humanity in different countries ,
and demand to punish the perpetrators .
But the
High Commission for Human Rights of United Nations (OHCHR) and you did not do any
of these Jobs , tasks and duties ..
especially about the crimes against humanity committed by the
successive ruling regimes in Egypt and their security forces against
Christians and Muslims through many years , and did not issued even a statement
or a few words condemning these grave violations of human rights , which have
been published and documented by the Egyptian , Arabian and
international newspapers and human rights organizations, although
Commission for Human Rights of
United Nations (OHCHR) has many ways
and means to verify these crimes .
== I have sent many documented complaints to UN
, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights(OHCHR) and
to The Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein director of OHCHR , about
kidnapping and raping of tens of Christian girls in the
last few weeks to force
them to convert to Islam , by the Egyptian
security forces and The Muslim
Brotherhood terrorist organization in Egypt .
== Also , I
sent documents , clear images and videos , about killing
of tens of Christian soldiers by the Egyptian army by shooting
them from the back , or torture them to death inside their military
camps , not in a war or terroristic attack .
These documents
, images and videos can not be denied in Egypt or outside Egypt .
of the official systematic persecution and crimes against Christians
in Egypt include:
1- Kidnapping , killing
and forcible disappearance of hundreds of Christian girls , men and children in
the last few years in Egypt ,with the assistance,
collusion and protection of the Egyptian security forces , which
are crimes of "enforced disappearance" ,the General
Assembly of the United Nations had criminalized in its Declaration
No. A/RES/47/133 on 18 December 1992.
2 - Burning,
looting, explode and demolishing dozens
of Christian churches in Egypt, closing more than one thousand
churches by the Egyptian government , preventing Christians from
praying there, and attacking them in the churches while they are
praying , injuring and arresting them , by
using thousands of radical Muslims , under the protection and
collusion of Egyptian police and army forces.
3 - The Egyptian government prevented building of
churches in Egypt since many years , except building of two or three
churches to deceive the whole world about the systematic
persecution of Christians and preventing construction of churches in
Egypt by the ruling regime.
4 - The Egyptian
security forces forcibly evicted
and displacing Christians from their cities
and villages ( Forced displacement ) .
5 - The Egyptian army
killed the Christian soldiers by shooting them or torturing them to
death, inside the camps of the Egyptian army , not in military battles or a
terroristic attack , with the approval and under the supervision of senior
Egyptian army leaders , the Egyptian Defense Minister , the
President of Egypt Abdeldfatah Al sisi and all the Egyptian
security services .
Egyptian army and authorities did not deny one of these
crimes , and did not punish one of the Egyptian officers
who carried out these crimes !! ..
6 – Sheikh
Al-Azhar , the leaders of Islamic Al-Azhar mosque , all the
mosques and most of the Egyptian
newspapers said that the Christians are infidels , and call for
hatred , murder, slaughter them and rape of their wives ,
daughters and children .
== All of
these Crimes are classified as crimes against humanity, crimes of enforced
disappearance, forced displacement and war crimes
==These crimes are known
and published in dozens of Egyptian, Arab and foreign newspapers, websites and
TV channels, and are known to the Egyptian and
international human rights organizations , UN office in
Egypt and the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights( OHCHR) .
==The Egyptian
authorities, the Egyptian army and all the Egyptian security forces - accused
of carrying out these brutal crimes - have not denied any of them over the past
years till now .
However, over the past years, UN office in
Egypt and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights( OHCHR) , colluded
with these dangerous crimes and had not issued any
reaction or statement to condemn these massacres and crimes committed by the
Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization , or to condemn the
systematic persecution of Christians by the Egyptian authorities ,
or to demand for investigation for these crimes, and punish the officials ,
killers and terrorists who have carried out these crimes , and
to prevent recurrence, although they are crimes against
humanity, which UN and the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights( OHCHR) have called
for refuse and reject..!!??
ruling regimes commit serious crimes against Muslims and Christians in Egypt :
In addition to the
systematic persecution and serious crimes committed by the Egyptian authorities
and its security forces against the Egyptian Christians ,
the Egyptian people -Muslims and Christians -have been exposed , especially in
the last few years , to serious crimes classified as crimes against
humanity .
Examples of
these crimes against humanity ,
UN and OHCHR were
silent and ignored them :
1 == Torture
of Egyptians – Muslims and Christians - and foreigners to death, in
Egyptian prisons and police stations.
2 == Egyptian police killed Egyptians shot dead in the
streets without any reason, or because of a dispute with a police
man about the priority in traffic in the streets.
3 == The Egyptian authorities
arrested tens of thousands of Egyptian Muslims and Christians in the
last few years, including journalists, political activists and human rights
activists, fabricating charges against them , with sentences up to
15 years imprisonment , and fined tens of thousands of pounds , without any
reason, or because of some words written on Face book or Twitter, in which they
object to the difficult living conditions and the
repeated increase
the price of goods and services, up to
1000% in the last 3 years inEgypt - which has not
happened in any country in the world - or due to the objection of the
abdication of Egyptian lands to foreign countries .
4 == The Egyptian authorities put tens of thousand of the prisoners in non-human
prisons , in very narrow cells , without ventilation, not suitable for living
of animals , without human Bathrooms , at temperature up to 50
degrees Celsius in the summer , without beds , blankets or heavy clothes in
winter , without health care , and prevent
leaving the cells and seeing the sun for many months or years , or
put them in solitary cells 24 hours a day .
The prisoners do not
find a place on the ground to sleep due to the intensity of overcrowding in the
narrow cells, so they have to sleep on their side , turn into dead
bodies or cadavers that breathe, and wish death.
administrations and Egyptian security services insult, humiliate, beating ,
rape of men and women prisoners , and torture them to death in many cases.
5 == The
Egyptian authorities constructed during the past six years, new very
large and huge 21 prisons , for imprisonment of hundred thousand detainees
, the space of some of
these prisons is up to one million square meters , cost tens of billions of
Dollars .. not to transfer the prisoners in the current prisons
living in conditions Non-human, but to arrest new tens of thousand of
Egyptians , and turn Egypt to a huge prison.
== I have
some questions , I would like to answer:
1 - Why
UN , the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and The Prince / Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein Director
of (OHCHR) did not condemn -
through many years - the killing and slaughter of Christians in
Egypt , the systematic and official persecution against them,
kidnappings and disappearances of hundreds of Christian girls , rape
and torture them , killing many Christian soldiers by
shooting them or torturing them to death, inside the camps of the
Egyptian army , not in military battles or a terrorist
attack , which happened in Egypt through many
years till now , although these are crimes against humanity and war crimes
..!! ???
2 -
Why UN , the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights(OHCHR) and The Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein Director of (OHCHR) did not condemn -
through many years - the terrorist crimes of Muslim
Brotherhood , which killed thousands of Christians ,
Muslims , officers and soldiers of the Egyptian army and police in
Sinai and in the rest of the Egyptian governorates ,with the
recognition and confession of
the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist leaders .
== Mohamed
El-Beltagy, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist
organization , said and admitted on 8/7/2013 that the
Muslim Brotherhood committed terrorist attacks in Sinai – Egypt .
==Video - Egyptian schools
teach students and children how to slaughter Christians
Copts-United Newspaper - 3/4/2018)
== Video - Egyptian schools and Al-Azhar Islamic
sheikhs teach children that they must slaughter Christians because they are
infidels .
Sincerely and Respectfully
Dr. Seti
Researcher in terrorism and political Islam