Europe, America ..Wake up..Now ! - 1 .. By Dr. Seti Shenouda
Europe, America ..Wake up..Now ! - 1
By Dr. Seti Shenouda
Egyptian Researcher
in Terrorism and Radical Islam
=== On the first anniversary of the massacre in a Christmas
market in Berlin on 19 December 2017 - which carried out by a Tunisian
Muslim a year ago, killed 12 and injured dozens - the
revelers placed a small banner , written on it the word " Why
? ” .
This "naive" question about the
cause of the massacre , the Islamic terrorist attacks, the Islamic
invasion of Europe and America and the cause of Muslims' hatred of Christians, Europe
and America .. illustrates the " semi - coma" situation in
which most Europeans and Americans live, despite of the repeated terrorist
attacks in Europe, America
and the whole world .
=== It is very strange that people in Europe and America do not yet know that the main Islamic principles and the references
of Islamic Sharia (Islamic law ) said that Christians
and Jews are infidels, and Muslims must slaughter them , Invade
their Countries , take their property, land, homes and all possessions , and rape their
wives , daughters and their children, sold them as Slaves for sexual exploitation .
Islamic principles say that whoever does these crimes , will win
paradise , and have continuous sex – 24 hours every day - with 72 virgin women in Paradise ..!??
Radical Muslims , fundamentalists and members of Muslim Brotherhood inject their children from childhood with hatred, hate , contempt . and disrespect against Christians and Jews .
=== The Muslim Brotherhood and
most Islamic extremists and terrorist organizations in the world are affiliated and belong to the Salafist Islamic
Wahhabi radical sect ( ideology ) which was established in the
Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) in the 18th century by the alliance of
Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab (1703-1792) and Muhammad Bin Saud (the founder of the
current Saudi Kingdome )
=== Al-Azhar Islamic University in Egypt is the source of Islamic
teachings, ideas and principles of terrorism throughout the world. It teaches radical Islam
and Wahhabi doctrine to children in its schools and colleges , through many dangerous books that glorifying terrorism and slaughter of Christians,
Jews and different , opposite and counteractive Muslims who do not believe in Wahhabi doctrine .
These books also command slaughter of the
hostages and prisoners , or destruction
of their eyes and cut off their hands and feet .
Examples of these dangerous Islamic books are : " Al- Eqnaa fi hal alfaz abi shugaa " , " Al-Sharh
Al-Saghir " , "Al-Rod Al-Murabah Besharh
Zad Al-Mustanqaa ", "Al-Ekhtiar Litaalil Al-Mukhtar "
The names of the dangerous Al-Azhar Islamic University Books in Arabic :
{ مثل كتاب «الشرح الصغير»، و كتاب «الروض المربع بشرح زاد المستقنع»، و
كتاب «الإقناع فى حل ألفاظ أبى شجاع»، و كتاب «الاختيار لتعليل المختار» }..
A book was published in Canada last month reveals
the reality of terrorism in the world and the fact that the terrorist Muslim
Brotherhood organization, is planning to take over the world .
book { “The Danger of Political Islam to Canada ( With a Warning to America
) }" exposes
the Islamic ideology ,the principles and basics of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization .
One of
the authors of this book is the Egyptian Muslim writer and journalist
Said Shuaib , who revealed the relationship of the Muslim Brotherhood with
terrorism in many books and articles .
This book reveals that :
1- The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization , Hassan
al-Banna, stated “It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not be dominated.”
This voice was echoed by Abul Ala Maududi, the founder of the Jamaat-e-Islam which is the sister group of
the Muslim Brotherhood. He said that “The role of Islam is to destroy all
states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth, which are opposed to
the ideology and program of Islam
2 -
Violent and non-violent Islamist ideology is
destroying social fabric and freedoms. Terrorism is but one tactic of
this ideology. It remains important to defeat terrorists. But the reality is
the multi-faceted invasive Islamist ideology is an existential threat to Canada , USA and Europe
3 -
This violence transpires because Islamists seek to
dominate all other forms of social organization and existence in favour of
their own Islamist ideology.
includes domination over all other non-Islamist Muslims as well.
4 - The Islamists believe that their Islamist ideology is
superior to the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms in any country .
5 - The Islamists must silence free speech with false charges of
Islamophobia for one reason: Their ideology is so abhorrent, and their
practices so barbaric, that anyone who attempts to expose and discuss their
work must be stopped.
6 - The growth of Islamist beliefs in any country is a warning that
confrontation and conflict will occur (France, Belgium, UK
Dr.Seti Shenouda