Egyptian President Al Sisi deceive the whole world .. By Dr. Seti Shenouda

Egyptian President Al Sisi 

deceive the  whole world .


By   Dr.  Seti  Shenouda 

Egyptian Researcher in terrorism and radical Islam

 Image result for ‫السيسى‬‎

== Egyptian President  Al Sisi belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist  organization ..

== Most ministers in the Government of Al Sisi are belonging   to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist   organization

Sisi did not submit to the UN or any  country of the world a file documenting thousands of terrorist operations carried out by the  Muslim Brotherhood  terrorist  group , which  killed thousands of Egyptians in the past seven years , and he did not demand the inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood in the list of terrorist groups , also Sisi  did not accuse the Muslim Brotherhood  terrorist  group    in all his  speeches about its responsibility for terrorism in Egypt .

 Also , there is a close relations between  Sisi  and ruling Egyptian regime with  Hamas group in  Gaza  - related to the Muslim Brotherhood  - which attack  Sinai and killed  hundreds   of officers and soldiers of the Egyptian army and police .

== President  Al Sisi put the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in a luxury prison  to deceive the
truth about the current  regime   , until they will be  released  ..   while  no final   provisions  had been issued till now  against    the leaders and  the militia of   the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group , in hundreds of killings and terrorism cases .

At the same time, they   put tens of thousands of human rights activists under torture in inhumane prisons , to sleep on the ground   in very narrow and stacked rooms without ventilation, and in temperatures exceeding 50 degrees Celsius in summer .

== President  Al Sisi allowed travel of most of  Muslim  Brotherhood leaders -  accused of murder -  to Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, without arrest or trial ..!!??

== Egyptian security forces had arrested tens of thousands of political and human rights activists, and tortured to death many of them  in  the past two years  .

 ==  Killing of Christians in Egypt and  burning their churches and  homes , under the protection of the police forces, and unpunished one defendant in hundreds of these crimes
== In the past two years, the Egyptian Interior Ministry has built 19 huge  prisons , some of them of area up to one million square meters  , and cost billions of dollars , to   arrest  new hundreds of thousands of opponents and human rights activists in Egypt ..

 == A study(  in Arabic)  proves that  the Egyptian security  had tortured and killed the Italian  student  Giulio Regeni in Cairo ,  and the Egyptian Sherif Habib in London

Dr.   Seti  Shenouda  
Egyptian Researcher in terrorism and radical Islam


Some of my  searches   and studies  ( in Arabic  ) about terrorism  , published in the most important Arabic web sites  :
 A search  (  in Arabic   )  proved  by  many documents of  WIKILEKSthat Al  SISI  With the Egyptian  Military Council and USA foreign minister ( Lady  Hillary  Clinton  ) , and  USA Ambassador  in Cairo ( Lady  Anne  Patterson  ) falsified   the election on 2012 for winning  of Muslim Brotherhood Leader MOHAMAD MURSY

 :  PART 1

PART 2 :


2–A  study  (  in Arabic )     proves President Sisi alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group, and the imprisonment of their leaders in  luxury prisons to deceive the whole world .

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3 -A study proves the complicity of the police and prosecutors inEgypt  with the terrorist attacks and  killing and torture of  the Egyptians


4 -- A study   (  in Arabic ) documenting alliance of The Egyptian  President Al Sisi with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization  :

PART – 10 =

PART – 8   =         


PART 6= 



PART 3= 

PART  2= 



5 = A search  ) in Arabic (  demonstrates by documents that the  Egyptian military intelligence - under the leadership of Al SISI – made  the massacre of Christians in Maspero , Cairo – Egypt  on 9/10/2011 by crushing them by  military Tanks

6  = A search  (  in Arabic   )  demonstrates by documents that Al SISI  -when he was the  leadership of   the Egyptian   military intelligence -   made  the massacre of Christians in  ALQEDESIN  CHURCH  in Alexandria – Egypt on 1/1/2011


7 = A search ( in Arabic ) by documents proved complicity  of  President  AL SISI and some of senior Egyptian military leaders with Daaesh terrorist organization ( ISIS )in carrying out terrorist attacks in Sinai – EGYPT  :

8 -  A search ( in Arabic ) documenting the systematic persecution , Kidnapping and slaughter of    The  Coptic Christians in Egypt in the era of President Al  Sisi     :


9   - A search  ( in Arabic )  demonstrates that the military intelligence -under the leadership  of Al  Sisi- implementation of the  first massacre of Rafah in  Sinai on August 5, 2012   :

10 – A study   ( in Arabic )   proves  the relationship of  Al  Sisi with smuggling of Mohammed Mekkawy (Sef Al Adl) -an Egyptian leader of Al Qaeda  terrorist organization    ,   and hundreds of terrorists toEgypt  , by the Egyptian military intelligence, which was headed  by Al  Sisi   :



12 - A search  (  in Arabic   )  demonstrates by documents that Al SISI  and  the Egyptian   intelligence    made  the massacre of Christians in AL BOTROSSIA   CHURCH in Cairo  on 11 December 2016



** Blogspot of  DR. SETI  SHENOUDA   with some articles in English and German  :


Dr.   Seti  Shenouda 
Egyptian Researcher in terrorism and radical Islam

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

حملات الحوار المتمدن – نطالب بوقف تنكيل النظام الحاكم فى مصر بالمستشار الدكتور هشام هيكل

رأيت السيدة العذراء - بقلم الدكتور / سيتي شنودة

Egyptian security complicity with radical Muslims in kidnapping and rape of hundreds of Christian girls-PART 1- Dr.Seti Shenouda